Happiness – Flash Fiction

– Are you happy?

– Happy? What does that even mean? Is it when you wake up with a smile on your face; or when you look at the world like it’s full of pink elephants?

– I guess happiness is different for everyone. But how do you feel?

– I feel empty. I am not miserable but I would not say I am happy. Definitely drama-free and stress-free which is the most important thing since I moved to London.

– Okay, what would make you happy?

– I don’t know. Before, even the smell of morning coffee made me feel good. It made me feel alive. Now, I don’t know no more.

– Well, maybe you need to go out there and seek some happiness. Look for it in different places and in different people. You need to feel that spark in you again. The one that makes you jump high and dance when you hear a rhythmic song. The spark that makes you look forward and move forward. The one that makes you dream and desire more.

– Well, what if I don’t? Anyway, I think happiness is over-rated.


Image was found here.